CEO Compensation

CEO Compensation


CEO Compensation is a complex and multi-faceted subject that requires careful consideration by Nomination & Remuneration Committees. At Exec-Rem, we leverage our vast database of compensation histories of CEOs currently serving in India, and assist organisations in developing sustainable CEO compensation structures that align with their long-term strategic goals, while incorporating global best practices.

Support We Offer

  • Assessing the competitiveness of the CEO compensation
  • Determining appropriate peer groups for suitable comparisons
  • Defining the mix of guaranteed and variable compensation
  • Determining the proportion of variable pay linked to short-term and long-term incentives
  • Establishing the structure of short-term and long-term incentive plans
  • Examining the realisable compensation under different performance scenarios
  • Implementing provisions for deferral, claw-back, malus, and other risk mitigation measures
  • Establishing provisions for Change in Control (CIC) protection for the CEO
  • Addressing the treatment of cash and stock-based incentives in the event of Change in Control (CIC)
  • Implementing stock holding guidelines
  • Aligning compensation structures with regulatory guidance
  • Assessing the alignment of the CEO compensation structure with that of the broader leadership team
  • Evaluating the perception of the overall compensation package by proxy advisors